Monday, 27 March 2017

more LEGO

gosh this software is the best goshdarn thing.
this is my biggest build to date, and still unfinished.  a blocky house apartment block made of little blocks, inspired by Habitat 67.  oh how wonderful it would be to actually build this in real life.
thanks for looking.

a Lego

I've been working a lot lately, but I built this.

Just a simple a-frame house, like my Gruncle Stan's old cabin near Bayfield, WI.
I didn't do a whole lot with the interior.  Just put in an upstairs.

I'm still in the US, but I've had a few chances to visit 'home' in the past 2 years.  Visits are still too few and far between, and the prospect of looking for work there gets more and more terrifying, with so many doors being closed by the powers that be everywhere I look.  I press on though.  I need to see my someone more than twice a year.